Our Epic 3 Month Journey in France- Exploring the World of Art

If you’re an art enthusiast, you know the inspiration that can be found when traveling. My husband and I recently spent three months exploring France, a country near and dear to my heart (since I spent a year there studying architecture), and I was able to find inspiration for my art at every stop along our journey. From galleries in Paris to olive trees in Provence and castle-stays in Tuscany, let me share with you what we discovered!

Discovering Paris as an artist, travel France

We began our trip in Paris, admiring masterpieces at the Louvre, Musee D'Orsay and Musee Picasso to name a few. It was a great way to kick off our journey, as we were able to take our time visiting all the galleries—a much needed break after a busy year and preparing my solo exhibition. We then hopped over to Florence, where one of our friends had hired out a castle in Tuscany - Castello Mugnana. We had so much fun exploring and even had Italian cooking classes in the castle by the amazing Chef Federica Continanza. After taking some time to explore this beautiful place, we made our way to Bordeaux—where we spent our days exploring the city and indulging ourselves in its famous wine region.

Discovering Paris as an artist, travel France, Louvre
Discovering Florence as an artist, travel Italy
Discovering Florence as an artist, travel Italy, Italian Cooking Class

 Our next destination brought us down south to Provence—one of my favourite regions. From the rugged landscape to its endless olive trees, Provence never fails to bring me inspiration for my artwork. While there I got the opportunity to do some live painting at a group exhibition held at Chez Louise Restaurant showcasing their new chef and hosted by PBC L’Agence. It was an incredible experience that allowed me to share my process, engage with wonderful people while also getting exposed to some of the best local cuisine around.

Discovering Provence as an artist, travel France, live painting to crowd

 We then continued our journey on the French Riviera where we got to explore sunny Nice, before we headed north to the Rhone Alps - Lyon, Lake Annecy and Grenoble (and even did a bit of skiing in the alps), before ending up on Corsica for our final month. Corsica was unlike anywhere I had ever been, with its striking aqua blue waters, otherworldly colourful cliffs and rocks formations and stunning snow capped mountain backdrop. I was able to find the perfect balance between relaxation, exploration and art over this time and it really recharged my creative energy for when we came back home.

Discovering The French Alps as an artist, travel France, ski, Chamrousse
Discovering Corsica as an artist, travel France, Mediterranean
Discovering Corsica as an artist, travel France, hiking
Discovering Corsica as an artist, travel France
Discovering Corsica as an artist, travel France, Calanques, Hiking

All-in-all it was an amazing trip that truly fanned the flame of my love for creating art and inspired me beyond words! To anyone interested in exploring France from an artistic perspective—I highly recommend it! From its picturesque countryside views down south all the way up north towards Parisian architecture; no matter where you go throughout this beautiful country you’ll surely find something inspiring wherever your travels may lead you! After months of exploring France, I’m now back in my studio with a newfound appreciation for art and creativity that has me eager for the next chapter of my art.

Discovering Paris as an artist, travel France

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